Friday, December 13, 2013

READING FROM THE INTIMIDATOR STILL LIVES IN OUR HEARTS at the University of Redlands, September 2013

Hello everybody.
I have a novel coming out on the 24th of January, from Artistically Declined Press.  It's called ACROSS MY BIG BRASS BED.  Some of you may know the first section of it (there are four sections, 100pp. apiece), as it was published by Sven Birkerts, Bill Pierce, and Billy Giraldi in Agni in 2009.
That is about all I can say in terms of publicity.
There is of course The Greatest Blurb of All Time, from Barry Hannah...comparing me to, wait for it, Camus, but while I certainly can't get enough of that, I am sure you can.
Nevertheless I am going to try whatever may be honorably tried, in the hope of busting a personal record:  VISIGOTH sold 3000 copies, I AM DEATH sold 900, and THE INTIMIDATOR STILL LIVES IN OUR HEARTS, by far the best book of the three, sold 72.  ACROSS MY BIG BRASS BED is better still, and far less conventional.  That is not to say it is bizarre or eccentric--but whatever it is.t does not conform to banal expectations.  Perhaps you have to be a Navy SEAL-type commando of reading to handle, I don't know....  We are expecting, in any case. to sell approximately zero copies.
And what do you know, from out of the blue arrives a video of a reading I did at the University of Redlands earlier this fall.  It's comprised of bits from the title story of the INTIMIDATOR collection, the funny bits, the bookseller-in-Los Angeles bits, with all the movie stars and weirdos.
Brings out the performer in me that I shoulda been all along, I guess.  Any rate, I'm thinking that if I can be seen causing a relatively large audience (150) culled from the prime demographic (young persons) to guffaw, I may be seen as an author whose work may be safely purchased and enjoyed, in serene moderation, without having to take a class in Me Studies.
Take a look if you've got a few minutes.  Pass it around it if you like it.  And please, if you have ideas about marketing and publicity for a weary old amateur, lemme know?  (And oh yes, thousand pardons to the magnificent persons with whom I sold books in those days, at Dutton's in Brentwood:  you not only lived the story, you have heard me crank it up far too many times.)

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